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And Then There Were None (1945)

Rate: 9
Viewed: 12/14

12/14: My first encounter with the well-known Agatha Christie story was Ten Little Indians from 1965.

Then, I read the book which was entertaining. Recently, I saw the original filmed version and liked it more than the remake. One salient aspect that makes it better is the quality of acting. It's very good as everybody has done a great job of heightening the suspense. However, it's the rushed, albeit changed, ending that leaves me disappointed.

Although it's a thinking person's film, I don't buy how the characters are able to isolate themselves over time and be alone with the soon-to-be-deceased character. Why not have everybody in the same room throughout? The lack of urgency and seriousness as shown by several people, especially the one who's always knitting, is hard to believe.

All in all, And Then There Were None is a good classic whodunnit picture.