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By Candlelight (1933)

Rate: 5
Viewed: 6/24

6/24: Elissa Landi can be thanked for ruining By Candlelight.

She's so awful that I can see her as a tramp and a gold digger from a mile away. Hence, there's no way the butler will be that easily fooled if he works for a prince and comes in regular contact with such people. Unsurprisingly, Elissa Landi's career lasted four more years with one pathetic comeback in 1943 before quitting the business for good.

Paul Lukas is just okay. I don't know if he's miscast, but his acting isn't seasoned enough to meet the challenge. At least, Nils Asther nails his part very well as Prince Alfred von Rommer. Some of the fault can be attributed to director James Whale, especially when it comes to the unexplainable jump from the prince's apartment to the train and the unbelievability of the butler and the maid pretending to be royalty. It'll be grounds enough for their termination.

There are worthwhile scenes. One is the prince and his butler having a method (play the piano, lights go out, a kiss, and the candlebra) that's repeated every single time a woman visits the apartment. Two is the butler and maid's jaunt to the village which includes a carnival and a night dance. Three is when the prince assumed the role of the butler.

All in all, if James Whale got a better actress than Elissa Landi, By Candlelight would've worked out more favorably.