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Clinton & Nadine (1988)

Rate: 6
Viewed: 5/24

5/24: If you want to go that far back and see Andy Garcia at his sexiest while he's in a leading role, Clinton & Nadine is your answer.

It's a solid neo-noir, reminding me of the films that Robert Mitchum used to do with Jane Russell, Jane Greer, Faith Domergue, and Jean Simmons. This time, it's Ellen Barkin who assumes the role, evincing good chemistry with Andy Garcia.

Ellen Barkin may have given the best performance of the film because she plays a damaged person who's careful in what to say and is always direct about getting straight answers. Andy Garcia is fun to watch while Morgan Freeman has always been a strong actor, regardless of how small or big the picture is.

The biggest mistake is the final ten minutes. It's what killed the film for good. Clinton and Nadine won't get away with it scot-free after the three bad guys are let go. They'll hunt them down until they're dead. By the way, the colorful containers at the beginning weren't stocked with drugs but parrots that Clinton smuggled from Mexico into the United States.

All in all, if you love low-key films noirs of the 40's and 50's and want something similar from the 80's, then I recommend Clinton & Nadine.