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Domestic Disturbance (2001)

Rate: 3
Viewed: 4/05

4/05: John Travolta, Vince Vaughn, and Steve Buscemi are in the same film for Domestic Disturbance?

The idea sounded good until I saw it. Getting into the story, I felt thrilled. Suddenly, after the custody case, the energy got sucked out like a blown tire. It's official: the actors did it for the money. In a way, Domestic Disturbance is like The Stepfather but with lots of gaps.

John Travolta looks limited. Trying so hard to be a villain, Vince Vaughn scares only a little boy. I have no complaints against Steve Buscemi. What bothers me is the kid has too much screen time, even more than the seasoned actors.

All in all, it's a good thing Domestic Disturbance is a short movie.