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El Cid (1961)

Rate: 9
Viewed: 1/16

1/16: Only Charlton Heston can pull it off, and that's why he's the greatest actor of epic pictures.

Shot on location in Spain with 7,000 extras and 10,000 costumes, El Cid is a lavishly made epic picture about a real life warrior who was a national hero of Spain during the 11th century.

Marred by awkward slow start, the movie keeps getting better, and the ending, which sports brilliant battle scenes that remind me of Lawrence of Arabia, ties everything up very well. However, the biggest mistake is the inclusion of Sophia Loren. They should either limit her screen time or cut her out completely.

The bottom line is: Sophia Loren cannot act or carry a film. Being beautiful does not and will not replace acting ability. Charlton Heston had to do the work to make amends. It's he who made the biggest difference. Not surprisingly, Sophia Loren and Charlton Heston didn't get along during the film production because he was paid less. Hence, he refused to look Sophia Loren in her eyes. That's why there's a constant feeling of disconnect between these two in every scene.

On the other hand, John Fraser, as Prince Alfonso, does an unbelievable job of providing the emotion. The story is great although it takes a while to get there. When it does, being patient will pay off huge dividends. In spots, director Anthony Mann did seem to be out of his element, but things got better over time. However, Charlton Heston thought less of Mann's ability, preferring William Wyler of Ben-Hur over him.

All in all, El Cid is a fantastic epic picture.