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Election (1999)

Rate: 4
Viewed: 6/24

6/24: Election is an awful movie, and I should've predicted it after first seeing the odious MTV label.

I'm shocked it was Oscar-nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay. It's nothing special, resembling many of those catchy, quirky high school crap pictures that I had been noticing since the mid 90's. What's with the sex stuff? That's way overboard. The teacher who had sex with Tracy Flick would've been sent to prison. Why must they rip-off the freeze-frame technique and the opening credits style from Goodfellas?

There are no likeable characters. Worse is all but one (Jim McAllister) aren't fleshed out that much, hence the imbalance of the storytelling. I'm disappointed in Matthew Broderick. He looks bad now. There's no incentive for him to do this piece of shit by going from Ferris Bueller to Ed Rooney. By the way, Chris Klein, who plays Paul Metzler, has the Keanu Reeves vibe.

As for the student election stuff, yeah...everything is accurate, and I can attest to it because I won once, having done the same thing what Tracy Flick and Paul Metzler did. It was kind of a big deal at my school, but in hindsight, I don't consider it as a significant achievement. The following year, I ran for a better position but actually adopted the same attitude that Tammy Metzler had by not putting up a single poster or campaigning for it. It's only because I didn't care. To my surprise, I lost a very, very close election.

All in all, because of the sex stuff, Election is disgusting and then ultimately pointless.