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Heist (2001)

Rate: 5
Viewed: 7/24

7/24: While watching Heist, I thought the dialogue was a rip-off of David Mamet's stuff.

To my surprise, I found out afterwards that he actually wrote it and also directed the film. The way the characters talk sounds artificial and very stagy. Is there a parody going on here? As for the story, it's The Spanish Prisoner all over again. The switcheroos are endless and thus tiresome. Even Ricky Jay and Mamet's wife, Rebecca Pidgeon, appears for the umpteenth time with almost the same set of male leads from Get Shorty.

The concept is interesting, but let's face it: heist pictures have been done to death since The Asphalt Jungle came out in 1950. That is to say the formula is exactly the same and everybody is so smart and genius-like with the ability to foresee five to ten steps ahead. Even The Score came out during the same time. By the way, I don't understand why Gene Hackman's character is so concerned about being burned after showing his face yet nothing happens to him afterwards.

All in all, it's time for David Mamet to retire for good as a director, and please...no more Rebecca Pidgeon ever again!