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L'armée des ombres (1969)

Rate: 2
Viewed: 5/17

5/17: L'armée des ombres, which is translated as Army of Shadows, is long, slow, and boring with each adjective being worse than the preceding one.

With very few exceptions, I hate French films, and they're always the same: long, slow, and boring. "Pretentious" is another word I'll gladly throw into the mix. Hence, don't be fooled by those who love them: they're at best pseudo-intellectuals and at worst know-nothing sheep.

One of the worst WWII pictures ever made, L'armée des ombres took me roughly two weeks to complete. I would watch for fifteen minutes a day before giving up and switching over to something else I could finish in one sitting. As a matter of fact, I saw three Star Wars pictures back-to-back-to-back, and I'm not even a fan.

The biggest facepalm moment is the sight of strings attached to the plane. It's something Ed Wood, Jr., would've done. The main character, whatever his name is, jumps out of the plane without any safety gear, but it takes forever for him finally to do so. I hardly know the names of others, and I've forgotten them as I type this review.

All in all, L'armée des ombres...aaaaarghhh.