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Lean on Me (1989)

Rate: 10
Viewed: 6/03, 11/04, 12/06, 4/08, 3/12, 7/18, 1/21

12/06: The very first time I saw Lean on Me was in 1989, and I became a solid fan of Morgan Freeman from that day forward.

Of all the characters, Joe Clark remains the best of Morgan Freeman's career, and it will never be topped. Lean on Me is one of the most electrifying films of all time. There's nothing like it.

Thanks to his powerfully stirring performance, it's scene-by-scene brilliant in a moving way that captures the essence of the human spirit. Rocky's John G. Avildsen is the perfect director. There are many memorable lines such as:

"You may sit down, Mr. O'Malley."

"If we treat our students like animals, that's exactly how they'll behave!"

"This is an institution of learning. If you can't control it, how can you teach?"

"There's only one boss in this place, and that's me: the H-N-I-C."

"I saw the lightning flash."

"I heard the thunder roll!"

"I felt breakers crashing, swamping my soul."

"We are not in church, Mr. Clark!"

"I fell down on my knees...and I cried, 'My God...why has thou forsaken me?'"

"Do you think I'm stupid, son?"

"You smoke crack, don't you?"

"It kills brain cells, son."

"Now, I say, if you want to kill yourself, don't fuck around with it! Go on and do it expeditiously!"

"Because you are failing to educate them, this is the posture that many of our students will wind up in. Only they'll be staring down the barrel of a gun!"

"They used to call me Crazy Joe. Well, now they can call me Batman!"

"Boy...you really think you bad, don't you?"

"Mr. Clark don't play!"

All in all, what a performance by Morgan Freeman in Lean on Me.

4/08: The king of high school pictures, Lean on Me is a heartwarming tale that's based on a true story of how Joe Clark created a storm of controversy by using unconventional methods of discipline at Eastside High in Paterson, New Jersey, during the 80's.

Morgan Freeman's electrifying performance still gets me every time. He's why I've seen the movie numerous times, and it never gets old.

All in all, Lean on Me is one of the all-time greats.

3/12: Once again, Morgan Freeman is thrilling as Joe Clark and gives one of the best performances ever.

All in all, Morgan Freeman, not Daniel Day-Lewis, should have won the Oscar in 1989.

7/18: "Mr. Clark don't play!"

"You smoke crack, don't you?"

All in all, it's still an electrifying performance by Morgan Freeman.

1/21: Joe Clark passed away last month, and Lean on Me is his enduring legacy.

It's still a powerful movie with brilliant, unforgettable scenes, often coming in one after another. My top three are: Joe Clark atop the roof asking Sams if he smokes crack, his "I Heard the Thunder Roll" speech during an emergency meeting with the parents, and the test result announcement in front of the protesting students.

The Oscar for Best Actor of 1989 should have gone to Morgan Freeman; nobody was better that year. What a magnificent performance he gave. It's the singular reason why Lean on Me continues to stand the test of time. The rest of the cast is excellent as well.

All in all, Lean on Me is one of the best films made.