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Mr. Wrong (1996)

Rate: 2
Viewed: 5/24

5/24: Mr. Wrong is an awkward, unfunny piece of crap that was penned by three idiots.

Ellen DeGeneres isn't an actress. She and "romance" don't belong in the same sentence. I can tell she's a lesbian from a mile away. It's what I had been doing the entire time while watching the film: screaming at the obvious. Her character is an uptight bitch who must have everything perfect in her life.

On the other hand, Bill Pullman is okay but has zero chemistry with Ellen DeGeneres and keeps trying to force it. His character can be a good fit for some women; it's just a matter of taste. Worse than him by far is Joan Cusack. I can't stand her, and I never want to see her in anything at all. Why is Dean Stockwell acting like Sam Beckett's sidekick once again? John Livingston as Walter? Please, get out of here...he's gay.

All in all, because of Ellen DeGeneres, the film should've been retitled as Ms. Wrong.