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Nancy Drew... Detective (1938)

Rate: 9
Viewed: 8/07, 3/20

8/07: Despite not having read any of the Nancy Drew books before, I expected a lame picture, but boy...was I pleasantly surprised.

I can consider Nancy Drew... Detective a great film noir, regardless of the fact that it's aimed toward young teenage girls. The story is taut, has plenty of suspense, and is full of plain good fun.

Bonita Granville and Frankie Thomas are wonderful together and have great chemistry. Films nowadays will try to force a pair like them to get sexually involved, but this one never does. That's what makes Nancy Drew... Detective so good because it tells me a boy and a girl can have a platonic relationship.

All in all, Nancy Drew... Detective is a highly recommended film for kids and adults alike.

3/20: Nancy Drew... Detective is a charming whodunnit mystery picture with great lines.

Bonita Granville and Frankie Thomas are excellent together and deserve Oscar nominations. It's difficult to beat their chemistry. A lot of the action they generate is pure old-fashioned fun.

A couple of things bother me. How can a pigeon, or any bird at all, be tracked in the air by car? It's not possible for miles and miles. The other is when the gunman missed Ted and fell off from the chair, he just passed out. Well, his head must be weak.

If you heard Nancy saying, "I'll bet you $23.80...," that was the amount of a weekly paycheck made out to the WPA workers during the Depression which was enough to pay the monthly rent. Eventually, it's converted into a betting joke.

All in all, Nancy Drew... Detective is a lot of fun for people of all ages.