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No Way Out (1987)

Rate: 8
Viewed: 4/07, 3/19, 5/24

4/07: No Way Out simply takes off after Sean Young's character is killed.

However, it's not enough to compel me to give the film a rating higher than '6'. The biggest mistake is it takes a good forty-five minutes to get rid of her which is almost the whole first half. Then, the next half is a roller-coaster ride with a surprise ending.

Kevin Costner, who looks young, is terrific and makes this worth watching. Along with The Untouchables, it's a promising start for his great career which reached its peak with Dances With Wolves a few years later. Now, how about Will Patton? He nearly steals the picture, and it's, without question, the best performance of his career. Unfortunately, Will Patton would repeat the same behavior endlessly afterwards.

All in all, I don't mind seeing No Way Out again.

3/19: The last time I saw No Way Out, I gave it a '6', and now, time has been kind to it.

What I remember the best about this political thriller is the surprise ending. When I first saw the film during the 90's, it caught me off guard. That's why No Way Out has a high replayability value.

Obviously, Kevin Costner is the show and looks great in whites. He has a famous movie moment with Sean Young when they start making love in the back of the limo. However, the first forty-five minutes is boring to sit through, but once she's killed, that's when the movie starts to take off. Soon thereafter, the race is on to see who'll be left holding the bag. Hence, the movie is impossible to stop. Of the supporting cast, Will Patton gives a standout performance. It's easy to tell from the get-go that his fanatic character is cracked in the head.

All in all, No Way Out is the film that catapulted Kevin Costner to superstardom.

5/24: No Way Out still holds up well.