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Play Misty for Me (1971)

Rate: 10
Viewed: 1/04, 7/08

7/08: Play Misty for Me is the film that started it all for Clint Eastwood as he'll direct many, many great pictures for years to come.

What a story, and what a performance by Jessica Walter. Clint Eastwood certainly knows how to be cool. A lot of guys can relate to Dave Garver when it comes to dealing with an emotionally damaged female after a one-time fling. He's a hip deejay with an even-keeled temperament but is pushed to his limits before he can't take it anymore. So, he's forced to be harsh with Evelyn who's dangerously psychotic.

As for the cinematography, there are great-looking scenes including the California coastline and the Monterey Jazz Festival. At the same time, stressful elements are in place while Dave Garver's behavior changes over time in terms of dealing with the situation.

All in all, Play Misty for Me, not Fatal Attraction, is the original.