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Reality Bites (1994)
6/04, 2/18
The title Reality Bites is perfect.
It's true for most young adults who graduate recently from either high school or college. Then, reality starts to sink in.
Hence, the know-nothing kids with no useful skills to offer start to realize how big the world is when they stop
depending on their parents' money and start fending for themselves.
I have met and known people like Troy Dyer, who's played perfectly by Ethan Hawke, and they, in order to maintain their coolness
factor, do often sell themselves short despite their high IQ. Only if they could put in 25% effort, things would've been
different for them.
All characters including Troy are self-centered, immature, typical, and boring. Interestingly, they're also white.
Oh, yeah...I'll repeat Troy's definition of irony: "It's when the actual meaning is the complete opposite from the
literal meaning." These yuppie characters are just exactly that: frauds.
All in all, Reality Bites hits a lot of points very well, but I don't like the movie.