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Scream (1996)

Rate: 4
Viewed: 8/03, 4/08

4/08: I admit Scream was a good film when it first came out and stayed that way for a while because it was hip, fresh, and new.

But now, seeing it again, time hasn't been kind. It's annoying to watch Matthew Lillard who was definitely on some powerful uppers. He would act this way in subsequent films until his schtick finally wore off in 2002. I still can't get over the uncanny resemblance Skeet Ulrich has to Johnny Depp.

What peeves me the most is how the movie can be so dumb at times. For example, one of the two masked killers was smashed by a beer bottle, a refrigerator door, and whatever else, but when his identity is revealed, there's not a trace of what happened on his face. When Billy is stabbed by an umbrella, his body shows no puncture. The same goes for Randy who's shot through the shoulder, but there's nothing on the back of his shirt to indicate it. If Billy survived the ordeal and hoped to get away with it, won't the fake corn syrup blood be hard to explain?

As I look at the front cover and the spine of the DVD case, it's Drew Barrymore getting the most attention. Please, she was forgettable after the attention-grabbing introduction. I have to say the acting is terrible although it's seemingly hip. In fact, that's my other peeve: everybody is too hip. Another aspect I hate is the excessive amount of movie references. They get old after a while.

All in all, Wes Craven firmly holds on to his title as the Master of Suck.