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Seven Hours to Judgment (1988)

Rate: 3
Viewed: 1/22

1/22: My, my, my...it's so exciting when Beau Bridges is running all the time during Seven Hours to Judgment.

His character has *ding-dong* seven hours to figure out the escape game. Unfortunately, he wastes six of them by going in random directions. With the clock running out, the jig was about to end. The mastermind is predictably killed, and it's over.

So, what was that all about? Good question. It's a bad, bad movie because nobody thought hard about the story. If they did, it would've been developed by now, but that wasn't the case. The purse doesn't matter. It's still inadmissable as evidence due to lack of integrity in terms of handling it.

As usual, Ron Leibman overacts. Beau Bridges is okay but never directed a Hollywood picture again. Julianne Phillips gets too much attention for no reason. Al Freeman, Jr., is wasted. If Reggie Johnson looks so familiar, it's because he played Junior in Platoon. What the heck happened to him? He could've done more films but disappeared after 1988.

All in all, Seven Hours to Judgment is a lot of running around and nothing else.