Documentary Movie Reviews

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Slacker Uprising (2007)

Rate: 4
Viewed: 2/20

2/20: Damn, I've never seen so many people clap in a film like Slacker Uprising.

While that's going on, it feels like a giant fucking pat in the back for Michael Moore to show how much of a hero he is. Well, for the umpteenth time, he fails to make a difference. Uh, explain to me the logic of giving away Ramen noodles and underwear for their voter registration. Why specifically them?

I honestly don't remember what happened during the 2004 United States presidential election because it didn't mean anything to me. And the documentary was released three years after? Fast forward to now, people connected to the elections either became richer, were sent to prison, or got exposed. Look at what happened to John Edwards. I'm not sure what the point of Slacker Uprising is: just show up and vote? But I don't like anybody.

Truth be told, all politicians are the same to me and only care about themselves, their friends, and the corporations they take money from. I don't see how citizens turning out more than ever to vote for somebody is going to change anything except to put more money in their pockets despite being fed a neverending stream of lies, platitudes, and empty rhetoric.

All in all, saddled with low production values, Slacker Uprising's repetitious cycle of people applauding, celebrities giving a short speech, and musicians singing a song quickly becomes an ennui.