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Smile (1975)

Rate: 4
Viewed: 6/24

6/24: Smile is so old and dated that it's been easily superseded by Drop Dead Gorgeous.

Michael Ritchie is an idiot director because if he wants the movie to be about the beauty pageant, there's no reason to show a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with it. That's why the film became too long, clocking at two hours. Unsurprisingly, it was a box-office failure.

Satire? Ha! Nothing is ever funny. What's gross is the lecherous men who are sexually interested in the female teenagers. What's the point of Andy and his drinking problem? I hate how the Mexican-American girl got treated. That wasn't funny. Then, out of nowhere, Shawn Christianson won the beauty pageant given that she's barely shown much.

All of the characters suck. Only Bruce Dern comes away unscathed by giving a decent performance. His best scene is when he recounted the story of almost having a date with Elizabeth Taylor. Then again, what does it have to do with the movie? On the other hand, the contestants for the beauty pageant look truly ugly.

All in all, you're better off seeing Drop Dead Gorgeous over Smile.