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Terms of Endearment (1983)
3/05, 1/15
Terms of Endearment is a weepy movie of the week that touches on cancer.
I admit, it's not bad, but Best Picture of the Year? I don't think so. One nice thing is that it doesn't treat death as if it's
a special thing. So, it's a relief.
The acting is excellent and low-key. It's Debra Winger who does well. Unfortunately, her character is underdeveloped
which explains why the mother comes off as looking better, nabbing an underserved Oscar win. As much as I can't stand Shirley MacLaine,
she does all right and has her moments in the final thirty minutes, but she channels too much of Amanda Wingfield.
Jack Nicholson, as great of an actor as he is, is somewhat out of place and is only there to provide a boost to make the film
better than it seems to be. Jeff Daniels is as regular as they come. Lisa Hart Carroll gives a decent supporting hand to her
co-star. Given this many thespians in the ensemble, I still don't think it's enough because for somebody like Emma, she should've
had more friends and relatives.
What I like is the depth of the characters and their chemistry. It's apparent during the home stretch. But can I believe in
the children's conduct? Not really. They act like strangers, no matter what at any point of time. That's why I give the
film a weak '7', and I'm being generous because I was never convinced.
All in all, Terms of Endearment is nothing special or glamorous; maybe that's the point.