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The Great Escape (1963)

Rate: 10
Viewed: 3/07, 6/11

3/07: The Great Escape.

There's nothing like it. By far one of the most thrilling made, it has all I can possibly want in a film. Steve McQueen's performance as Captain Virgil Hilts, aka The Cooler King, cements his status as an international superstar because of the motorcycle scenes. Who can forget the iconic jump at the end?

Although it's three hours long, The Great Escape is one of the fastest movies I've seen. The chemistry of the all-star cast, the story, and the dramatic escape are the reasons behind the quick pace. Personally, my favorite character is Hendley, who's played wonderfully by James Garner, and he's handsome and resourceful while sporting a great-looking white sweater.

All in all, one of the most thrilling pictures made, The Great Escape is an undeniable cinema classic.

6/11: Once again, there's nothing like The Great Escape.

It's one of the greatest movies ever made. Although the performances are impressive, it's Steve McQueen who makes an unforgettable impression. There's something that makes him a unique actor. That's why he became a bona fide superstar, thanks to the motorcycle scenes. According to Steve McQueen: A Biography, it took John Sturges thirteen years to bring his pet project to the silver screen due to repeated rejections by MGM. Well, the timing is perfect for Steve McQueen to make the iconic jump.

Historically, only three out of seventy-six escapees made to England while fifty had been summarily executed after being caught. The escape played a role in making the Allied invasion of Normandy possible on D-Day (June 6, 1944) because the Nazi officers were distracted by the situation.

All in all, The Great Escape is an all-time great movie.