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The Terminator (1984)

Rate: 10
Viewed: 11/03, 6/07, 6/12

6/07: The Terminator is a devastating sci-fi classic.

It's also the film that made Arnold Schwarzenegger a household name. If the bodybuilding champ wasn't the Terminator, he would've never be the governor of California, period. Obviously, having pumped iron is 80% of the equation. The other 20% is his stoic look. A lot of credit goes to Stan Winston for the makeup effect.

When Arnold Schwarzenegger met James Cameron at a restaurant, he wanted to audition for the role of Kyle Reese. But the director took a look at him and said, "My God! You're the Terminator!" But Arnold replied, "No, no, no...I want to play Kyle." Highly insistent, Cameron went, "Absolutely not! You are it. A machine!" Of course, I'm making up the exchange of dialogue, but you get the idea of the magnitude.

There are many good scenes, but the best of them all is the shootout at Tech Noir. Arnold Schwarzenegger is such a powerful, unstoppable force as the Terminator. The most famous movie line of his career is: "I'll be back." That being said, he was obviously snubbed for an Oscar nomination in the Best Supporting Actor category.

I have to mention the fantastic acting performance by Michael Biehn. He sets the tone of the film, making it a non-stop action thriller. Because of the battle between his character and the Terminator, the level of realism is held high, especially when talking about machines taking over in the future.

All in all, Arnold Schwarzenegger was born to play the Terminator.

6/12: This is the film that made Arnold Schwarzenegger a movie legend.

The Terminator is a devastating picture because how does a person stop somebody like him? Reese perfectly nails it, "Listen, and understand. That Terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead."

All in all, The Terminator is a sci-fi masterpiece.